Milk and Honey is subdivided into four chapters. Rupi Kaur beautifully tells stories of narratives of women who were abused and traumatized. But later found the resiliency and strength to keep pushing forward and learn to love in the process of breaking and healing. And how these experiences help mold and empower brave women of today. The book takes you into a pilgrimage of heartaches, loving and falling apart. All of which are integral parts to eventually attain peaceful healing.
Here are 31 of the most empowering and achingly beautiful snippets in Rupi Kaur’s Milk and Honey.
Give to those who have nothing to give to you.
Of course I want to be successful, but I don’t crave success for me. I need to be successful to gain enough milk and honey to help those around me succeed.
You must want to spend the rest of your life with yourself first.
We all move forward when we recognize how resilient and striking the women around us are.
My heart aches for sisters more than anything. It aches for women helping women like flowers ache for spring.
How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you.
The world gives you so much pain and here you are making a gold out of it.
We are all born so beautiful. The greatest tragedy is being convinced we are not.
You were a dragon long before he came around and said you could fly. You will remain a dragon long after he’s left.
Other women’s bodies are not our battlegrounds.
Your body is a museum of natural disasters. Can you grasp how stunning that is.
Our backs tell stories no books have the spine to carry.
The way they leave tells you everything.
You cannot leave and have me too. I cannot exist in two places at once.
People go but how they left always stays.
Rivers fall from my mouth, tears my eyes can’t carry.
I am undoing you from my skin.
I had to leave, I was tired of allowing you to make me feel anything less than whole.
Love made the danger in you look like safety.
The thing worth holding on to would not have let go.
He says, I am sorry I am not an easy person to want.
I look at him surprised, who said I wanted easy?
I don’t crave easy. I crave goddamn difficult.
You have sadness living in places sadness shouldn’t live.
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